Paperback Book Cover
I started setting a document with the following measurements:
-Width = 132mm
-Height = 197mm
-Pages = 2 (Facing pages)
-Margins = 11mm. All sides
-Bleed = 5mm. All sides
Step 1
First, create a rectangle that covers all the bleed areas, and fill that with the following CMYK colour.
C=100 M=97 Y=48 K=56
Then add a new gradient swatch.
Choose the Radial option, then the following CMYK for the left side of the bar:
C=89 M=49 Y=62 K=62. To the right side of the bar, keep the same blue previously created.
Step 2
Now using Adobe Illustrator, I created a silhouette of a cathedral by simply getting the cathedral image and removing the background.
The next step is to get an image of a city map, which in this case, an old-style Prussia city map, has been used to fill the cathedral silhouette.
Repeat that step but now invert the same cathedral and add a different background pattern and the position on the opposite side of the first image.
Step 3
Add the amper sound and also to the word ‘’Peace’’, adjust its size and position to fit better.
Also, important to add the author's name following all the same steps for the typing process.
After creating the front cover, I needed to extend the space of my document.
Using the Page Tool (P), hold the Alt key and drag the left-hand edge of the doc until 337.7mm.
To design the rest of the cover, such as the spine and back cover, used the ruler to trace the space I needed to work with. The spine will always depend on the number of pages the book has. For the spine, pull the left-hand side ruler until 137mm and 168.85mm to mark the spine edge and centre.
Step 4
Add the gradient swatch colour to both the back cover and spine.
Copy and paste the same cathedral silhouette top and bottom from the front cover to the back cover.
The same Copy and Paste goes to the spine design, but centre them to fit the spine space.
To not be so repetitive, change the fill colour to a light blue. C=57 M=12 Y=21 K=0.
Add the same text from the front cover but now on the horizontal and adjust it to accommodate the text.
Step 4
Draw an ellipse in the centre of the back cover and fill it with Placeholder text. I can find that option either by going in Type at the top bar or right-clicking the shape.
Adjust it to look better, change the colours to cream, work with a negative space and add a Heading style in the middle of it.
Final Design
This is the ready-to-print final Design.
Week Reflection
There were no major challenging moments in this exercise. I had difficulties properly editing the text within the circle shape because it is a Placeholder text, so I had to make a few adjustments like changing size, applying space and resizing the border so it could look nice and fit properly.
The whole exercise was a successful experience. This exercise will boost the final book cover editing I have to do for Digital Illustration. I could develop a good sense of the tools necessary for this kind of task, and all will be used for my future book cover project.