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Similar values or themes to my brand


   Resident Evil is the most famous zombie franchise, producing movies and games. We both work around the same theme, but their approach is different, as they tend to relate more to the horror theme style. 

   They worked their features in the website, applying motion to it, a few animations and interactive panels. 


- Front panel of the landing page shows different scenes from the game, with great animation which keeps following you as a fixed bar while you scroll down. 


- The rest of the page will show a few pieces of information about current and previous versions of the game. Unfortunately, it does not have many significant motions added apart from the info sliding onto the screen.


- I would like to see animated characters from the game interacting with the user while navigating their page. That could be a significant feature, as the characters are the most famous element of the game. 



   The Walking Dead is a TV series which came from the comic book. Their website is entirely static. They only have one pop-up box as a form o CTA. 

    It would be nice if they:


-  Explore that line of character in the front panel of the landing page. Maybe the characters could make their body position when you scroll along that line. Those characters are there because they are surviving the whole series until the last session, so it would be great to see them bring some motion to the page. 


- The line of the zombie could be put on the bottom of the page or all around it, and make a few moves while you scroll down, such as changing head position or shaking the hand. 



Logos with motion applied


   While researching, I found Rosie Phillpot's website. She is an illustrator and Graphic Motion Designer. Her animations are simply amazing.

   She is so into it that her logo keeps moving on her web page. The images aside, you can see how is the progression of the motions.

   The logo with her own name plays mainly with the letter ''I''; maybe it is because people called ''Rosie'' has a close relation to the word ''Rose'', maybe is where the name comes from or even a nickname.

    It is a simple animation but adds so much to her site. The motion of the logo shows some kind of sympathy, and the way the letter swings and slides are so soft and pleasant. 



   Creative Boom is another great website that my research brought me to. This site talks about any kind of art topic, including Graphic Motions.

   The interesting about their logo is the simplicity of it and the simplicity of its motion. 

   Their Googly eyes logo keeps tracking the mouse movement through the page. Once I realised I had spent quite a few minutes just playing around. I think that is their idea. It brings interaction with the users, and despite its simplicity of it, you spend so much time paying attention to the logo. 

   I can note that motions that interact directly with the user can easily call attention. It can be a good opportunity to use that technique for something you want to push the attention of your public.

   The images on the right side show screenshots I took with the mouse in different directions.




Analysing Logo


   My logo created for this brand is definitely not the most elaborate element of the brand. I designed it trying to do something minimalist with the idea that my logo did not have to support my theme. It could work independently. 

   But that mindset did not bring good results for the logo creation. I believe the colours are still great, and that relates to my brand values and theme too. 

   I made a different version of it, with or without background, and they all work just fine. 

   I like the format of the logo because there is RM, which stands for Romeo, connected with JLT, which is for Juliet, and also a few elements based on the classic story, which is the heart on the side of it and the M and J forming a letter shape, a common communication method between the couple. That is why I believe this format is strong, but I still need to add something that brings the zombie Idea.


    What should be improved: 

- Add elements that could be animated. The logo is all made in one single layer, so I will have to work on that too.


- Add a visual characteristic that speaks more with the public about the theme of the story, which is zombies.


    What I want to keep:

- The shape of it is a strong factor because it was strategically designed thinking about elements of the story. 


- The colours and the purple background.

Week Reflection

   The second week still working on a lot of research, which has been good for adding ideas for the development of the project and. also I discovered so many great artists who became a source of inspiration and awareness of the capabilities within the graphic motions career. 

   I could also think of ways to enhance my logo e make it more meaningful. 

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