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Promo Piece Storyboard

    For this storyboard idea, I tend to use a tombstone to represent a cemetery and bring the idea that Romeo and Juliet are coming back to the living world, supporting the play's script. 

    I will use smoke effects, background light, text animation, and illustration movements.


Promo Piece

       Promo Piece idea was to create an instagram post where it could add a creepy feeling, relating to brand theme and experimenting effects around it. 


      I added the layers from Illustrator to After Effects. Those illustrations are tombstones. They will be used to represent the appearance of Romeo and Juliet in a zombie form. With that, I am promoting the first animation that connects with the theme sensation, the zombie couple returning to life. 

      I already selected some effects: the smoke around the scene and the light coming from the background as it was a cemetery at night. 


     The text was the next step, promoting the phrase representing the brand idea and adding meaning to the scene.

      I am also showing the tombstone that has the effect of coming out of the terrain just as it is sliding into the screen, and also the hands of Romeo and Juliet that follows the tombstone animation. 


     For the final part, I added more smoke, but now in the front of the scene, not limiting only the one in the background, so the sensation of the smoke taking over the place can be more realistic. 



      Hoover the mouse over the screen below to play the video. 

Week Reflection

     I tried to reproduce the effects I learned in the past week, but as I felt rushed to have everything done, I may not have refined this piece enough to get a fine look. 

    I intend to refine the effects and reproduce them in a better way! The smoke idea has played an important part in the design process, and the light in the background really passes that cemetery sensation. 

     Overall, I enjoyed trying to create this promo piece because of the use of the effects. 

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